Pakistan Flour Mills Association is a registered and dully recognized representative Trade Body of Flour Milling Industry having 915 flour mills member from all over the Pakistan. This Association was primarily constituted in 1949 under the name of Punjab Flour Mills Association . During the last 60 years, there has been tremendous increase in the milling capacity in Pakistan. Starting with 19 flour mills. Now 915 flour mills (Registered with the Association) working in Pakistan with the daily milling capacity of 77275 M. Tones daily.
With the passage of time, the Association has grown upto the most dignified posture and domination structure as the function of the Association was broad-based on all over Pakistan basis in 1960.
Consequent upon dismemberment of one unit into original and existing four Provinces in 1970 it was again re organized and re-oriented. The branch offices of the Association were opened in all four provinces to deal with the provincial governments in Food Department and tackle the problems and difficulties of the Flour Mills.